Find the best ways to send money to India from Denmark

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Top Providers For transfers from Denmark to India

Based on 498 comparisons made by Monito users in the past 3 months.

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Best for Transfers to a Bank Account

Best of 14 providers. Compare all

Best for Transfers to Cash Pickup

  • Top provider
    Remitly Monito Score 9.3


    in 100% of all comparisons

    Top rated

    in 100% of all comparisons


    in 100% of all comparisons

    Go to Remitly 

Best of 1 provider. Compare all

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Compare 12 provider for a 2,000 DKK transfer from Denmark to India

Results updated 8 days ago.

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  • Sponsored
    Over 4 million users
    Includes zero transfer fees on your first 3 transfers with code 3FREE

    Same day

    Recipient gets

    Fee Free

    Exchange rate 11.7885

    2.45% worse than mid‑market rate

    23,577 INR

    23,471 INR

Compare 7 providers

Sorted by amount received

  • Best deal
    Money-back guarantee
    Includes preferential fee and/or exchange rate on your first transfer

    Same day

    Recipient gets

    Fee Free

    Exchange rate 12.2500

    1.37% better than mid‑market rate

    24,500 INR

    23,613 INR

  • Western Union
    Includes zero transfer fees and/or preferential exchange rate on your first transfer

    In minutes

    Recipient gets

    Fee Free

    Exchange rate 12.0775

    0.06% worse than mid‑market rate

    24,155 INR

    23,744 INR

  • XE Money Transfer
    Popular with Monito users

    In minutes

    Recipient gets

    Fee Free

    Exchange rate 11.9972

    0.72% worse than mid‑market rate

    23,994 INR

  • Skrill

    Up to 1 day

    Recipient gets

    Fee Free

    Exchange rate 11.9927

    0.76% worse than mid‑market rate

    23,985 INR

  • Wise

    Same day

    Recipient gets

    Fee 18.25 DKK

    Exchange rate 12.0853

    0.01% better than mid‑market rate

    23,950 INR

    In minutes

    Recipient gets

    Fee 39.68 DKK

    Exchange rate 12.0853

    0.01% better than mid‑market rate

    23,691 INR

  • CurrencyFair

    1 to 3 days

    Recipient gets

    Fee 10.00 DKK

    Exchange rate 12.0033

    0.67% worse than mid‑market rate

    23,887 INR

  • WorldRemit
    Over 4 million users
    Includes zero transfer fees on your first 3 transfers with code 3FREE

    Same day

    Recipient gets

    Fee Free

    Exchange rate 11.7885

    2.45% worse than mid‑market rate

    23,577 INR

    23,471 INR

We source transfer fees, rates and other data from money transfer providers in different ways - in most cases in real time. We constantly monitor the quality of our comparison data, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy.

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Monito's Recommendations for Sending Money from Denmark to India

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Today's cheapest money transfer service might not be the cheapest tomorrow. Find the one that's best-suited to your needs and preference by comparing the best performers on Monito's comparison engine over the past 30 days for transfers from Denmark to India:

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Best Ways to Send Money from Denmark to India

Frequently Asked Questions

About Money Transfers from Denmark to India

Monito compares 14 providers offering international money transfer services from Denmark to India. The total cost of the cheapest available option at any given point in the past month was 0.3% of the transferred amount. In comparison, the total cost of the most expensive provider was on average 4.3%.

💸 Number of providers


🏆 Cheapest provider (on average)
💰 Lowest total cost (on average)


💰 Highest total cost (on average)


💸 Most transferred amount

2200 DKK

⚡ ️Fastest transfer time

In minutes

💳 Pay-in options

Bank transfer, Debit card, Credit card, Direct bank payment, International bank transfer

💵 Pay-out options

Bank account, Card, Cash pickup, Bank account (via international transfer), Mobile wallet

👍 Recommended providers

Revolut, Paysend, Remitly, CurrencyFair, Currency Solutions, XE Money Transfer, WorldRemit, Skrill, Xendpay, Profee, OFX, Panda Remit, Wise, Moneycorp

Best Rated Providers to Send Money from Denmark to India

Everyone wins, except expensive solutions

With our model, the only losers are the expensive banks or providers you’ll stop using!

To ensure our independence, we always use transparent, objective and verifiable criteria in our comparison. No provider can buy their way to the top of our results.

We include as many providers as possible in our comparison and have partnerships with almost all major and innovative providers.

We make sure you never pay more than if you went directly to the provider of your choice. We even negotiate special offers for you with many of our partners.

  • You save money on your transfer by selecting the cheapest provider.

  • The best providers earn new customers without expensive marketing, helping keep their costs (and prices) low.

  • Monito receives a referral fee from the provider you selected. This enables us to offer our service to you for free.

Questions you may have

Why Trust Monito?

You’re probably all too familiar with the often outrageous cost of sending money abroad. After facing this frustration themselves back in 2013, co-founders François, Laurent, and Pascal launched a real-time comparison engine to compare the best money transfer services across the globe.

Today, Monito’s award-winning comparisons, reviews, and guides are trusted by around 8 million people each year and our recommendations are backed by millions of pricing data points and dozens of expert tests — all allowing you to make the savviest decisions with confidence.

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  • Monito's experts spend hours researching and testing services

  • Affiliate commissions we may receive never impact our independence

Mid-market exchange rate

To calculate the total cost of your transfer, we compare the exchange rate every provider applies to your transactions with the latest mid-market exchange rate data that we source from XE.

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Instead of banner ads and paywalls, Monito makes money through affiliate links to the various payment service providers featured on our website. While we work hard to scout the market for the best deals, we're unable to consider every possible product available to you. Our extensive range of trusted affiliate partners enables us to make detailed, unbiased, and solution-driven recommendations for all types of consumer questions and problems. This allows us to match our users with the right providers to suit their needs and, in doing so, match our providers with new customers, creating a win-win for everybody involved. However, while some links on Monito may indeed earn us a commission, this fact never impacts the independence and integrity of our opinions, recommendations, and evaluations.