MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France: Find All Locations Near Me

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How to Find MoneyGram Locations in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France

Are you looking for a MoneyGram location near you in Saint-Martin-d'Hères to send or receive money? While ubiquitous in most world cities — including Saint-Martin-d'Hères — MoneyGram locations are usually a lot more expensive to send abroad than their online counterparts, and we recommend avoiding them whenever possible.

No. of MoneyGram Locations

Approx. 1

Cheapest Alternative

Where Can I Find a MoneyGram Location in Saint-Martin-d'Hères?

Around one MoneyGram locations can be found in and around Saint-Martin-d'Hères. Here are the most central ones:

What Does a MoneyGram Location in France Offer?

MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères offers the ability to send money to a person overseas or receive money in-store from abroad. You can use one of the following payment methods:

  • Debit/credit card (for sending abroad only);
  • Bank transfer (for sending abroad only);
  • Cash (for sending and receiving);
  • Mobile wallet (for sending and receiving, but less common.

How Do I Send Money From a MoneyGram Location in Saint-Martin-d'Hères?

To send money with MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, you’ll need to do the following: 

  1. Visit a MoneyGram address in Saint-Martin-d'Hères near you.
  2. Ask the teller to help you make a transfer from France to the country and recipient of your choice (MoneyGram supports money transfers to well over 150 countries worldwide!)
  3. Pay for your transfer, which is usually done by card or cash.

What Documents Do I Need To Pick up Money From a MoneyGram Location Saint-Martin-d'Hères?

To receive cash at a MoneyGram location near you in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, you’ll need to provide the following:

  • Your transfer’s tracking/reference number;
  • Your transfer details (e.g. amount, sender’s name and country);
  • A valid ID (e.g. passport, residence permit, ID card, etc.).

MoneyGram may also request proof of residence in France in some exceptional cases. It’s therefore best also to have a bank statement or utility bill with your address in France clearly stated whenever you receive cash from a MoneyGram agent in Saint-Martin-d'Hères.

Average Opening Hours at a MoneyGram Store in Saint-Martin-d'Hères

In Saint-Martin-d'Hères, the opening hours of MoneyGram locations vary. In general, they’re open from 9 AM until 7 PM, but depending on the centrality and size of the agent, they could be open longer too.

For example, in central Saint-Martin-d'Hères, MoneyGram agents are often open until 9 PM or even as late as 10 PM or 11 PM.

Where Else Can I Find MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères? The Closest Location to Me May Be Online!

Visiting a MoneyGram location near you is usually neither the cheapest nor the easiest option when sending money overseas. This is because sending money at a MoneyGram location in Saint-Martin-d'Hères comes with the following often-overlooked costs:

  1. Transaction fees: These are explicit fixed fees or commissions charged by MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères that differ depending on your payment method, receiving method, and the currencies you’re exchanging.
  2. Exchange rate margins: This is the difference between the exchange rate you’re charged and the “real” exchange rate (e.g. the one you see on Google).

A rule of thumb is that visiting a MoneyGram location in France or speaking with an agent results in worse exchange rates than transfers done entirely online—sometimes by as much as 5% or 10%!

What’s more, sending money with MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères takes a lot longer than a simple online transaction and therefore takes more time and energy out of your day.

To transfer online and find the cheapest way of all for sending a money transfer in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, here are a few helpful tips:

  • Transfer using a bank transfer via a money transfer specialist platform.
  • Send money to a bank account or a mobile wallet rather than a cash pick-up location.
  • Avoid using a credit or debit card to pay for your money transfer.
  • Make sure you choose a safe and fully licensed money transfer service. All services on Monito adhere to the highest security standards and are among the safest ways to send money internationally.
  • Where possible, send one large transfer instead of multiple smaller ones. Larger transfers almost always incur lower percentage fees than smaller transfers. Learn more about making large international money transfers here and how much you can send internationally here.
  • Choose a longer transfer speed if it reduces your fees.

Finally, it's essential to keep in mind that it's impossible to send money internationally for free and that every time you send a money transfer with MoneyGram in Saint-Martin-d'Hères — or anywhere else, for that matter — it’ll come with its own unique set of fees and costs.

Agent Locations in Other Cities

Additionally to France, MoneyGram has locations in other cities and countries too.

Why Trust Monito?

You’re probably all too familiar with the often outrageous cost of sending money abroad. After facing this frustration themselves back in 2013, co-founders François, Laurent, and Pascal launched a real-time comparison engine to compare the best money transfer services across the globe. Today, Monito’s award-winning comparisons, reviews, and guides are trusted by around 8 million people each year and our recommendations are backed by millions of pricing data points and dozens of expert tests — all allowing you to make the savviest decisions with confidence.

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